Setting Direction

What sets apart Journey Advisory Group from other coaching firms?

Every business wants to grow. The question is how and where to focus your energy?

For instance, many firms have prioritized one of the following as their top 1-2 goals:

  • Profitability

  • More Clients

  • Better Systems (more efficiency

Before you can approach these goals. An advisory firm must first understand the complete picture of their current situation.

At JAG, we have found that this step is often overlooked. To the detriment of accomplishing goals in the most expedient fashion.

This is why JAG has invested in one of the most powerful ways to evaluate your firm with an objective and industry standard benchmark. Using the Journey System, we are able to help you to evaluate your operational strengths and weaknesses without bias of a single expert opinion.

The first part of partnering with JAG is a session that assesses your firm with a quantitative score.

The JAG team is passionate about helping financial advisory firms with incremental changes in behaviors that yield exponential results. Contact us today to learn more!


Building an Effective Business Disaster Recovery Plan


Clear Vision + Action Steps